#RajdPoZdrowie 2024
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Event schedule

  • Start of the event

  • Registration of participants

  • Rally picnic

    Health Zone - opportunity to take advantage of free examinations (mobile clinics) (click)
    Presentations by Partners.
  • Warm-up

  • Start of the Bike Rally

    12:15 - 12:45 - I route / 6 km

    Ride around Malta Lake. Start and finish are at the same place - 6 km.

    13:00 - 15:00 - II route / 24 km

    1 STAGE OF THE ROUTE: ride from Malta to the Monument to the Pyre.

    2 STAGE OF THE ROUTE: ride from under the Monument of Pyra to Malta

  • End of the rally (returning the bicycles, distribution of prizes)

  • REY CEBALLO & Tripulacion Cubana concert

Extra map


Rally routes

Check out the rally routes

Longer route - 24 km

Shorter route - 6 km



Place: Malta - Poznań, near Malta Ski slope, see on map .
You can also take part in the Rally in any place of your choice!

Time: September 7, 2024 at 09:00 a.m.

Participants: Anyone can take part in the Rally. The list of participants includes, among others: patients suffering from multiple myeloma, patients’ caregivers, charges of the Carita Foundation, doctors, nurses, health care workers, supporters of the Foundation, cyclists from cycling groups.



Cycling pace: Recreational 10-12 km / h. A longer rest break is planned in the middle of the route.

Organizers' services


Meals: In the place of the Rally there will be a free food court for the participiants.

Bike rental: Due to the limited number of bicycles, the opportunity to rent a bicycle is reserved first for the Foundation's charges and their caregivers. The availability of bicycles will be determined by the order of registration for the Rally.